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RiskRecon: Solve Your Cyber Risk Challenges

Ratings, insights, and capabilities that make it easy to understand and act on your risks.


Your enterprise relies on third parties

to fulfill essential services. You also count on them to protect the security of the data and the availability of the services with which they are entrusted. RiskRecon provides you comprehensive vendor security monitoring, custom-tuned to match your risk policy. This makes it easy for you to understand your risks. RiskRecon’s workflow enables you to efficiently engage with your vendors to take action on the risks to achieve good risk outcomes. RiskRecon’s Customer Success is there to support you every step of the way.
Select New Vendors

Make Better Informed Vendor Selections

It’s your risk, so you have to select vendors that are going to protect your risk interests well. RiskRecon enhances your new vendor selection process by providing you readily available objective assessments for each of the parties you are evaluating. Compare the overall vendor ratings, or dive into the details. Either way, you are making better decisions. And you are doing it faster - at the speed of business.

Vendor Portfolio Prioritization

Prioritize Your Vendor Portfolio

So many vendors to assess, yet so few resources to get the job done. RiskRecon provides you data-driven insights that enable you to more intelligently prioritize your vendor risk assessments. With RiskRecon performance ratings, you have a strong indicator of vendor performance, enabling you to prioritize assessment resources towards the lower performing vendors and away from the high performing vendors. Manage your third-party risk assessment priorities better with RiskRecon.

Conduct Assessments More Efficiently@3x

Conduct Assessments More Efficiently

When your analyst engages with a third-party, they need to get the job done well and quickly, because there are mountains of others to assess. RiskRecon enables your analysts to engage with vendors more efficiently, providing the IT environment details and objective cybersecurity assessment before they even engage. If their questionnaire responses look good, and the RiskRecon assessment looks clean, you have a strong basis for wrapping the assessment quickly. And where RiskRecon calls out issues, your analysts know the areas on which to focus. Better and faster. That sounds good.

Realize Better Risk Outcomes

Realize Better Risk Outcomes

Performing third-party assessments without objective data puts you at a huge disadvantage, leaving you only the ability to review unsubstantiated questionnaire answers. Do they really patch software vulnerabilities? Do they only run safe network services? RiskRecon objectively verifies vendor cybersecurity risk performance, enabling your analysts to see how well your vendors actually implement and operate their risk management program. Deeper transparency yields greater accountability which produces better risk outcomes.

Critical Vulnerability Triage

Manage Critical Vulnerabilities

Critical vulnerabilities like those we've seen in RDP, OpenSSL, and Apache Struts have the potential to expose your systems and the systems of your suppliers to compromise. RiskRecon provides you the data to know which of your vendors are exposed to critical vulnerabilities. This data enables you to prioritize your critical vulnerability response efforts towards the third-parties you know are exposed to the issue.

“RiskRecon gives us the ability to operationalize scoring across geo-specific industry requirements. This enables continuous vendor monitoring across thousands of third parties worldwide.”
– Global Fortune 1000 Bank
“The accuracy of RiskRecon's data lets us risk-prioritize the action we take to reduce risk across the categories that matter.”
– Large life insurance company
“RiskRecon helps maximize our efficiency with continuous, automated vendor assessment and tracking.”
– National healthcare organization
“With RiskRecon, we know our own cyber risk posture, and the cyber health of our third and fourth-parties with the context we need to act on that risk.”
– Global energy sector organization

Learn how RiskRecon cybersecurity ratings can help scale your third-party risk.

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