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Use Case: Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) can take months or even years to materialize due to lengthy due diligence processes – and that’s before factoring in today’s heightened concerns around cybersecurity.

Having to internally orchestrate a manual assessment with respect to confidentiality only increases the time required – and manual assessments still aren’t fully equipped to tell how well an organization implements its cyber risk management program.

The average time taken to close an M&A deal has risen 30% in the last decade. 

Since 2020 the monetary value of M&A deals globally has increased 67%.

With RiskRecon assess growth targets at the speed of business with greater clarity, insight, and confidentiality.

Multi-Portal Logins

Monitor M&A targets confidentially by designating and assigning user permissions to limit or restrict data viewing.

Executive Summary Reports

Obtain high-level snapshots and continuous view reporting of supply chain vendors that show:

  • Portfolio overall rating
  • Performance distribution summary
  • Performance breakdown by criticality
  • Recent breach events
  • Largest rating decline
  • Most improved
  • Lowest rated

Trend Reporting

Discover how well growth targets consistently trend including:

  • Over time
    Overall rating, critical issues
  • Past 3 years
    Breach event occurrence and exposure

Let's get started

For third-party risk management program stages:
New/Beginning Mature Advanced
Best-fit RiskRecon license type: Snapshot - Continuous Monitoring